Warmth in the Ice
Write a story, poem, descriptive passage, or short scene, which uses this theme.
The Snowstorm
The princess fell to her knees. The snow was cold, but she could not feel it anymore. Her eyelashes were encrusted with snowflakes, not that it would have helped her to see through the blinding blizzard. Shivering, she hugged himself in a vain attempt to warm her freezing body. As she began to lose consciousness, she barely noticed as a pair of arms lifted her up and carried her away.
The princess’s eyes fluttered open. There was a flickering in the corner of her eye, and she heard the faint crackle of a fireplace. Turning her head, she saw a young man sitting in a chair. He perked up when he noticed her sitting and smiled. “It’s good to see you awake.” He scooped some broth into a bowl from the pot that he was watching and gently fed her. “Lie down and rest. You need it.”
The princess closed her eyes in restful sleep, knowing she was now safe and warm.