“I Can’t Smell “

Jake , was busy cooking at the flying burrito when he noticed that he could not smell. Oh my what is going on I can’t smell anything.

So Jake decided to taste the food but he could not taste anything. What am I going to do ? Why can’t I smell nor taste anything?

Jake, was starting to worry the customers were complaining about the food that it didn’t taste good. He had at least five plates returned. The boss came to the kitchen Jake, what is going on? You have never had any plates returned. I don’t know boss I can’t smell or taste today I don’t understand. It just came on all of a sudden.

Are you serious Jake, yes sir! I don’t understand it.

Jake , you can’t work like this you will have to go home. I’ll take over for you, for today.

Ok boss, don’t come back until the problem is solved. Jake felt really bad for he knew he needed his job. What am I going to do. A few days went by and Jake still could not smell nor taste. The next morning Jake decided to go to the doctor. Jake sat in the waiting room thinking I wonder what the doctor will say, finally he was called to the back. Hello Jake, what seems to be the issue today. Well you see a few days ago while at work I noticed my smell was gone than my taste it has not come back. I can’t work for I am a cook if I can’t smell nor taste. Well let me take your blood pressure and your temperature. Aww everything seems pretty normal open your mouth and the nurse could see that Jake had a lot of infection in his mouth. Does your throat feel sore? No not really just scratchy ok. I’ll have the doctor come in just wait here. After about 10 minutes the doctor walks in. Hello Jake, I’m doctor Salter, open your mouth Awww you have a serious infection in your throat. Will I be able to smell and taste again. It may take sometime but I think you will. Doctor my job depend on me. I understand im going to give you some steroids and antibiotics you should be better soon. Ok doc thank you. Jake, went home and than went to the pharmacy to get the prescription filled. Jake started the meds right away. That evening he called his boss,and explained his situation. The had his back and told Jake to get well fast. After the forth day Jake decided to cook something but he was very disappointed his smell had not returned. Jake was getting depressed because he wanted to return to work. What am I to do he looked at the medicine bottle and thought, there’s still enough in here for 25 more days. Jake continued taking his medication. It was Sunday morning seven days had gone by and Jake was awoken to smell of fresh brewed coffee and bacon cooking. His neighbor was cooking outside on there patio and Jake had his window open. Jake quickly jumped up. I can smell! I can smell! Jake was so excited. He quickly called his boss, hello Jake, guess what mr. Green? I don’t know Jake. I can smell, that’s great, can I come back to work? Of course you can, before the boss could ask when, Jake said I’m on my way. As soon as Jake got there he took over. The customers were making good comments, they knew Jake was back because the food was tasting great. Mr. Green, told Jake I’m glad your back the customers love you. I enjoyed helping you but I’m not a great cook like you. Thanks mr. Green, for helping me out. I see now how great you really are as head cook and the only cook I’m giving you a raise you will get paid vacations and holidays and as a bonus I’m going to pay you the days you were off.

Wow! Mr. Green, I don’t know what to say.

Thank you very much! I should lose my taste and smell more often, don’t even think about it and they all laughed.

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