Write a romance story that takes place during lockdown/quarantine.

It doesn't have to be set in the current global situation, but you could use experiences over the last year to imagine what a lockdown romance might be like!

Generation β


I’m Caitlyn. Born 2030, I'm Generation β. In 2019, a global pandemic broke out and I grew up in what was called “the new normal”.

Anthony sat next to me in maths class on our first day of high school. Since we all wore masks, I had no idea what his face looked like, but what he did show was enough to give me palpitations from the moment I saw him. His strong eyes, lush eye lashes and his smooth porcelain skin.

That day at recess i saw Anthony drinking from the tap in the oval.

When he turned off the tap and looked up, he noticed me.

~ 2 ~

< Anthony’s POV >

I couldn’t believe that girl Caitlyn had followed me to the oval. I don’t know what would get me into more trouble, being maskless or drinking from a tap outside your home.

Caitlyn, wasn’t it?”


“Look.. about me drinking from the tap..”

“..I won’t tell anyone!”

“And you seeing my face…”

“I was too faraway! I didn’t see anything, I swear.”

“Well, maybe you could show me yours? Then we’re even.”


“Will you show me your face? Take off your mask.”

I saw tears well up in her eyes.

“I.. I can’t. I’ll get into trouble. I’m sorry.”

She ran off. Sh*t.

I was relieved when I saw her again in class and she still sat next to me. I decided to show how pleased I was to see her again. Luckily she seemed to feel the same way. We “clicked” and became good friends.

< Caitlyn’s POV >

I had lied when I told him I didn’t see anything. I did see his face and it was out of this world.

It was years later when I saw Anthony’s face for the second time. This time we were at uni, in a tutorial room. It was another hot summer day and Anthony said he needed to cool down and left. When he returned, he had his face hidden in the crook of his elbow. He had hurried back and closed the door behind him.

“..Anthony? What’s wrong?”

“I removed my mask to wash my face and it got blown away by the wind. Caitlyn.. do you have a spare mask?”

“Um.. yeah. Here.”

“Thanks Caitlyn, I appreciate this..”

Anthony was about to turn his back towards me to put on the mask.



“Don’t turn away.”


Please, don’t turn away.”

Our eyes locked.

“Oh. Geez. Um. Okay.”

To my surprise Anthony simply unwrapped his arm from his face. He looked completely different. Of course he would, he was 13 then and now 18. In those 5 years, once a boy, my best friend had turned into a young man. And a beautiful one of that.

“Caitlyn? Why are you crying?”

~ 3 ~

Caitlyn replied between soft sobs.

“I..I’m just sad I missed out seeing your face for all those years I’ve known you. I can’t believe this is only the second time I got to see your face.”

Anthony raised an eyebrow.

“Second? I thought you said you didn’t see anything the first time.”

Caitlyn bit her lower lip.

“I lied. I did see your face back then. I’m sorry.”

Anthony smirked.

“..So Caitlyn do I get to see your face this time?”

“But I…”

“Oh c’mon Caitlyn I’ve shown you mine twice and you haven’t shown yours not even once to me.”

< Caitlyn’s POV >

But what if I showed Anthony and he was disappointed.. or worse, he laughed?

I looked up and I almost freaked out. He was standing so close to me.

..But I would be an idiot to pass up on an opportunity like this, to experience this level of intimacy with him. I took his hands and lead them to my face to let him remove my mask.

< Anthony’s POV >

When I removed her mask and saw her face for the first time I finally understood. It was like unwrapping a present.

It was beautiful. But why did she look so scared? I cupped her face with my hands.

“Caitlyn, c’mon, it’s me.”

< Caitlyn’s POV >

I was so scared he’d recoil or scoff or..

“Caitlyn, c’mon, it’s me.”

He had read my mind.

He smiled as he moved in, closer and closer.

He stopped and I gave an ever so slight nod.

He then move in that very last bit and sealed my lips with his.

I heard Anthony’s soft giggles as he held me in his arms.

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