A World Without You

Was it supposed to feel this way? The pain. The tears. Maybe it was because in my mind Kai was someone who would alwyas be in this world. I couldn’t even imagine seeing his name on a grave, it was too much.

Tyler stepped up to the grave.

“Malachai,” he whispered, “I’ve got this for you.”

He placed a picture on the grave. It was of him and Kai, with there arms around each others shoulders.

“It’s from 1874, the last time I remember us laughing since we turned into vampires. It was your favorite picture of us. Mine too.”

Tyler touched grave, before he closed his eyes. Taking Kai to that memory.

Tyler smiled as he opened his eyes, “I’ll remember that for us.”

Mallory stepped up and put a hand on Tyler shoulder.

“Kai,” she spoke, “I have this.”

She placed a piece of black leather.

“You probably don’t remember this but, it was the first day of school and my schedule was messed up. I thought I was supposed to go to class after lunch but it was before. I was standing outside the door trying so hard to find away to be brave enough to walk in. Then you showed up. I hated you but at that moment I felt safe. I told you about it, and you took this out of your pocket and told me to hold in my hand. You said your dad gave it to you when you were little, and it helped you do things that scared you. You helped me that day Kai. When no one else would. I’ll always remember that.”

Mallory started crying, as she looked at his grave, “What’s happening Tyler?” She asked leaning her head again his shoulder.

Tyler wrapped his arm around her leaning his head against hers.

I tried my best to smile as I stepped up to Kai’s grave. It looked so wrong, it felt so wrong. We were saying good by to Kai. Kai. He wasn’t supposed to leave.

I looked down at the necklace in my hand. Kai had given it to me for my birthday. It was the nicest thing he had ever done for me.

“Kai, I’m sure you remember this,” I set it next to Tyler’s picture.

“It has been the most important thing in my life. Two months ago when you,” I took a shaky breath, “When you died. I had Mallory erase my memories. Then one day a few weeks ago, actually I remember the day May fourth. I was walking along the pond were you and me ice skates on Christmas. While I was walking I saw the necklace lying in the sand. Right when I touched it everything’s came flooding back in. My love for you. It was so much pain. I almost wanted to make Mallory redo the spell so nothing would make me remember. But then that night when I looked at the stars I remembered the first time we stayed up late looking at them. You told me if you could relive any moment in your entire life you would relive that moment. So I decided that I would remember that moment for you. And it made every bit of pain I felt fade away, but only when would look at the stars. It made me feel like that’s where you were. Up in the sky, shinning bright with the rest of the stars. This necklace was the start of every good thing that ever happened to me. And I can’t wear it unless you’re here because that necklace only has a meaning when I can look at it and don’t cry.

“I thought maybe you could use it. To start a new life we’re ever you are. Because I know that for the rest of my life I’ll never start over. I’ll just live life, I won’t ever fall in love again. And the way I’ll get through each day is thinking about the moment when I’ll finally get to be in your arms again.”

I touched Kai’s grave, closing my eyes.

When I opened them I was sitting on the ground smiling at Kai as we watched the stars. Then I was up in the air looking down at Kai as we skated around the frozen pond.

I was dancing in the rain feeling so free I couldn’t believe it. Kai was putting my necklace around my neck. The only one who had remember my birthday.

I was standing at the door, as Kai walked up.

“I remember this moment,” Kai smiled at me.

I smiled back, “Except this time, you don’t have to ask. Because any party I ever go to you’ll always be the one with me.”

Kai laughed, “I have to ask, it’s rude not to.”

I laughed, “Okay, ask away.”

“If anyone asks. We can together.”

I smiled wrapping my arms around Kai.

“They don’t have to ask. I’ve already told the whole world.”

Kai smiled his ocean blue eyes looking straight into mine, “Well to bad because I’m telling everyone any ways.”

“Please don’t leave me,” I said resting my head on Kai’s shoulder.

Kai hugged me close, “I don’t have a choice. This is life right.”

I nodded, “I need you.”

“I’m okay dying because I get to die knowing I was loved not by anyone but by you, Elina Copper. And to me is the definition of a perfect life.”

I closed my eyes taking a shaky breath, “I never imagined this moment. We were supposed to live forever.”

Kai shook his head, “We weren’t or we would be living it right now. This is what was supposed to happen.”

“I love you Kai,” I whispered, I could feel myself slipping away.

“I loved you the moment I met you,” Kai’s voice faded as I left.

“Elina?” Mallory asked as I opened my eyes.

“Are you okay?”

I shook my head, “I’ll never be okay. Not in a world without Kai.”

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