The Rooftop.

Tanya stood atop the narrow roof, silhouetted against the half moon which hung in the sky. Facing her was the figure that she had been chasing for the last week. The figure who had framed her. The figure that looked too familiar, even under the hood.

“Who are you?” Tanya asked.

The woman across from her laughed, “What? You don’t even recognize me?” She spoke with a district British accent, one that reminded Tanya of someone she knew long ago...

“J-Jemma?” She asked, dread showing clear on her face.

Jemma smiled before lifting the hood, “Poetic isn’t it? Ending at the beginning?” She gestured to the city which lay before them. The city of lights.

“How?” Was all Tanya could manage.

“How what? How did I frame you? How did I find you? How did I escape?” She said the last word with such venom that Tanya flinched.

“Jemma you know I didn’t mean-“

“LIKE HELL YOU DIDN’T!” She quickly schooled her features, “Don’t make me laugh. I know your game. Capture the famous Jemma Black and get promoted right?” She barked a laugh, “Oh but I got free, not even that Russian Hellhole could keep me locked up.”

“Really, I tried to get you out-“ Tanya began, but she was cut off.

“Oh by selling out to the Americans, huh?”

“I didn’t sell out! I tried to convince my senior officers to let you free, but when it became clear that the Russian government wasn’t going to give you up, the Americans cut me a deal!”

“What be their pet monkey and they would get me out? And you believed them? Not even my own government would come after me.”

“It was the best chance I had,” Tanya told her ashamed. “Jemma, I love you.”

“I’ve had enough of your lies.”

“Jemma,” Tanya said softly, “you were the only reason, the only reason at all.”

“Sure I was, keep telling yourself that and maybe one day you’ll even believe it,” Jemma said harshly. “Whatever the case, your life is over; the Americans hate you now, and the Russians would sooner see you dead then on their side. You have nowhere to go.”

“So what now? You’ll shoot me?” She spat bitterly.

“Oh no, that would be too good for you. Instead I’ll watch you spiral downward, knowing that you lost everything.”

Tanya gritted her teeth, “Well, if I have to go down, I’m taking you with me.”

She rushed forward, grabbing Jemma in a last embrace before jumping off the roof.

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