Free To Be Me

I emerge from the tree line.

A sight full of wonder and color in front of me.

Pinks, purples, blues, and reds.

All interspersed amongst the grass.

I lean down to smell a flower

Its fragrance is divine.

I decided to pick one. Then another.

A hoard I start to amass

I weave them into a tiara.

A crown for all to see

I'll wear it to school tomorrow

And show it off in every class.

For now, it's the only thing I want to wear.

The trappings of society are constrictive to me.

I kick off my shoes and the rest soon follows.

Being natural is something clothes can't outclass.

The elders would scoff at how brazen I am.

They’d say “Do you want everyone to see?”

I hate that society tries to make me ashamed.

If they don't like what I do, they can kiss. My. ass.

This is where I belong. 

This is how I become happy.

It tickles when the tall stems brush my thighs

As I run through the grass.

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