The stolen crown

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” I yelled at my followers. They didn’t slow down at all. One of them came from my right, the other my left. “LEAVE ME ALONE!” I shouted as I felt icy hands grab mine. “Quit drawing so much attention,” the one on my left hissed. “THEN LET ME GO!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. He scowled menacingly at me. “You’re already facing major consequences for your actions, you thief. I suggest you obey our orders before her majesty hears about this.

Thief. I hardly would consider myself a thief. I’d only even stolen one thing, and I was young and in a horrible situation. “It’s your choice Rosalie,”my father hissed. “You can either go and steal the crown or your sister gets it.” He held his knife closer to her throat to make sure his point was proven. “ILL DO IT,” I screamed. He threw my sister in the ground in front of me and left. “I’m scared, Sissy,” she sobbed. “Don’t worry,” I said, wiping the tears off of her face. “I won’t let anything happen to you.

“I won’t say it again. Get in the car,” a raspy voice said, bringing me back to the present. I wanted to punch him, but my hands were tied up. Without any escape plans possible, I grudgingly got into the car, raspy voice guy sitting next to me. The other guy started driving. “I imagine the queen will be very happy to see you. She’s been looking for you for months,” he smugly said. “Well, good for her,” I growled back. “Hey, watch it,” the raspy voice warned,”I imagine your aunt won’t be too happy to hear that not only did you steal her crown, you also were trash talking her.”

I hardly would consider that monster my aunt. She never came over to see us. She knew exactly what father was doing to us, yet made no effort to stop him. “Please,” I sobbed,” Please help us.” “Rosalie, now is hardly the time for this,” she said as she shooed me off. “But-“ “Enough Rosalie!” She growled. “I won’t say this again. Leave me alone before I go and get your father to remove you.”

“Don’t ever call her that ever again,” I snarled. He stared me down. “I’m warning you; this level of disrespect will not be tolerated by her royal majesty. I rolled my eyes at that. I studied the guys face for a moment. He looked vaguely familiar, but I just couldn’t place it. I couldn’t stand that. “Who the heck are you guys?” I finally asked. “That’s not important right now,” the driver called back. “Who are you guys?” I yelled this time. Raspy voice guy chuckled. “You always were a bossy one, Rosa.” Rosa. Only one ever person every called me that.

“Calm down, Rosa. He’s not going to hurt her,” my boyfriend whispered into my ear. “You don’t know him like i do, Jackson. He’ll kill her.” I sobbed. “I wish I could just escape it all.” “Rosa, my offer still stands. All you got to do is say the words, and we’ll be out of here my morning,” he gently spoke. I looked up at those beautiful, brown eyes. “I’m sorry, Jack. I can’t just leave her alone with him.” He sighed and looked me in the eyes. “Goodbye, Rosa,” he said before he planted a kiss on my cheek.

“How the heck did you find me, Jackson!”I all but screamed at him. “It’s about time you figured it out. You’re a pretty predictable person, Rosalie. “I am not!” I protested. “Well, since we found you-“ “Shut up, both of you.” our driver sharply demanded. We obeyed. I still couldn’t believe it. I looked out the window, heart dropping. We were at the palace gates. “Get out,” Jackson demanded as he grabbed my arms. I walked up the stairs, and sure enough, the queen was waiting for me. She glanced at me for a semi second and made her decision. “Take her to the dungeon.”

Jackson didn’t spend anytime dragging me downstairs. “Why are you doing this to me!” I angrily said. “Why am I doing this to YOU? Rosalie, you left me. And they had to blame someone.” He looked as though he was going to continue, but decided against it. “Now get back to walking.” I didn’t. “Jackson, please don’t do this.” I wept. “This is your fault. If you would’ve just taken up my offer, we could’ve been somewhere far away, together.” His face remained hard as stone, but I heard emotion creep into his voice.

“I told you I couldn’t just leave my sister!” I softly spoke back. “It’s not like it mattered. She died after you ran. Now, Get back to walking.” He growled at me. My vision was blurred my tears. My sister died all because of me. I should’ve taken her with me. “Get in,” Jackson growled as he threw me into my cell. Looking at his face, I never would’ve imagined he had been my past lover.

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