

Snow White

Sleeping Beauty

Hansel and Gretel


Write an alternative ending to one of these fairy tales.

Cinderella poem (not really a poem)

There was once a girl who lived happily,

With her mother and father they were so content,

Soon death took the mother away from the father,

The little girl knew what would happen.

Soon the father got married once more,

The girl has step sisters how frightening indeed,

Out to travel the father went,

Mother in law showed her true colours that day.

For death took the father,

All alone the little girl cries,

Turned into the maid for her wicked mother in law,

Not to worry though little Ella had mice.

She had friends the animals,

Her step mother saw her happiness,

Moved her to the attic and doubled the chores,

Little Ella was nicknamed Cinderella.

Cinderella could not take it,

She ran away with the clothes on her back,

She ran and ran into the forest she went,

If you believe me she made an empire.

Through hard work and hard work alone,

Cinderella saved wounded animals and made a house,

Her friends the mice sent word,

All animals loved little Cinderella.

Cinderella grew into a beautiful swan,

With her wit and hard earned money helping the poor,

She walked back to her old home,

She saw her step mother all worn and aged.

Her step sisters moved away to the castle,

They got married you see,

Forgot their step mother,

How wicked indeed?

Cinderella confronted her mother,

Her step mother,

She used a stern voice and money to bargain,

Step mother took the money happily,

Away she left never to be seen again.

Cinderella alone in her childhood house,

Well not all alone she had the mice,

New decorations back in the attic,

Her childhood home is once again hers.

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