'The old bookstore had always been my escape, but today it felt different, almost magical...'

Flying On A Cloud

The small book store tucked in the corner of the small town was more than just an old shop.

It was home.

An escape.

Like running through the forest, far, far away from all pressure, all eyes.

Only those who look down on me without judgement are there.

Birds flying through the trees, or librarians.

“Hello, Ms. Lila!” I said joyfully as I lugged the library door open. It squealed in protest.

“Hello, dear.” Ms. Lila greeted me. I followed her voice across the room. Her long black hair was pinned tightly on her head and she stood beside a metal rack stacked with books. I dropped my book-bag at a nearby table and stood beside her, helping organize each by the alphabet.

“Any preferences for todays adventure?” She asked with a smile. My eyes lit up.

“Maybe a book in another world. With forest and magic.”

“Feeling real magical today, are we?”

I gave a sly smile as she handed me a book with a green cover and red spine. I traced my fingers along the untitled cover before rushing off into the depths of the library.

Despite the small outside, the library was a labyrinth on the inside. Twists and turns and several rooms, ladders, and staircases. I climbed a few floors before plopping down on the bean-bag nest in the corner. It was the kind that engulfs you like a warm hug.

I flipped to the first page of the book, inhaling the scent.


_Dark green skies and brown pillars. Twinkles of light in the distance. Anastia leaped through the intruppted meadows. She moved like a doe, yet chased like a wolf. She wanted to catch the little lights. Wanted to see what they were. Her eyes wide and curious, hair loose and gold. Anastia still held a child-like spirit. The kind only the world strives to take away. An unspoken goal._

_But she was free._

_That’s all that mattered to her. Not pressuring future or whatever else society has planned for her._

_All that mattered right now was her curiosity and spirit._

_The dots could be fireflies, couldn’t they? Or perhaps fairies. _

_Despite how the world might claim the idea as silly, Anastia hoped for the latter._

_Whenever she sat still in the forest, the sparkling specks would whisper secrets in her ears. Their voices were soft and high pitched. She couldn’t make out a word, though she loved listening to their stories. Like listening to waves on the beach._

_Anastia ran, the thought of such friends pushing energy and power into her sprint._

_Her hands streched out, trying to cup the specks in her palm. She meant no harm, the fairies knew that. The way she seemed one with the forest and how she communicated with their friends. It seemed like a race. A challenge on who could run from tree to tree the fastest. _

_They flew with twirls and spins, teasing Anastia with their quiet voices. _

_Anastia couldn’t help but laugh. Such a hopeless attempt at catching the fairies, yet she couldn’t help but feel like she was flying on a cloud. The girl skidded to a stop and the fairies looped up ahead. Catching her breath, Anastia watched them play and taunt each other before flying out of reach. How she loved watching their carefree games. _

_She leaned against a tree, her heart-beats steady rhythm returning._

_Sinking to the ground, she watched them play from the cradle of roots. The birds chirped and dug for worms nearby. The soil was soft from a light shower the previous night, making everything in the forest smell fresh and heavenly. Anastia loved the smell of dirt and trees. How wonderful this world could be. _

_Anastia focused her eyes on the speck in front of her, nearly going cross-eyed at the size. She held out her palm and felt a gentle prick with the land of a fairy. _

_Anastia held her breath and examined the small figure. A leaf dress and wings that looked sewn out of lace, gold trimming and all. _

_“You’re beautiful.” Anastia praised. The fairy seemed to understand, opening her wings wide like a butterfly. She lifted into the air, and much to Anastias delight, brought over a friend. The three talked and shared in the shade of the tree, understanding each word and question as if they were communicating telepathically. Anastia was sad to see them go, but the soft glow of the little fairies forever held a place in her heart. The feeling of running beside them and seeing their gorgeous wings glisten meant enough to her to add years to her life._

_And it was her secret to treasure._

_Her secret to keep._

I closed the book shut and took a breath of fresh air, the sun outside was sinking beneath the horizen with whisps of orange and pink painting the once blue sky. I always felt some sort of peace after finishing a book, as if I had just lived an extra life and had come back to this one. Like I had been flying on a cloud and just came back to Earth.

“Fairies.” I said, trailing my fingers down the cover again.

With a deep breath, I stood and hugged the book close to my chest.

Flying on a cloud.

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