Submitted by Celaid Degante
Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.
How can one person ever make a decision so large and all affecting? Is it even possible to get enough facts measure all the possible scenarios and get results that show a good or bad decision. This process becomes infinitely more difficult considering I’m not unhappy. I am just cursed with the ambition and the spirit of adventure. I find that I am forsakenly possessed to choose the path of most resistance. Robert Frost only talked about the path less traveled. I would like to assume the path of most resistance is the path less traveled, but somehow I feel that there was more peace in the path less traveled and on the path of most resistance. I’m Restless, almost angry with myself. Why do I feel the need to uproot myself every time I slightly grow into the local soil. It is destructive to belong somewhere for a few months and a few seasons, then years only to feel an itch in my feet. It is truly a problem I create for myself, but I am unable to point to exactly where this notion of leaving moving transplanting myself again arises. It is both a blessing and a curse to blow away with the wind, in the freedom to follow the unknown directions of the universe. My instincts are rewarded by new places, faces, experiences, but it also creates a rift in my soul, letting in the “what if you stayed?” and “now where would you be?”. To constantly second-guess and think of the stability of deep roots how nice that would be if I could only stand still. Is there growth in leaving or is it impatience of sowing seeds?