A Lonely Miracle

So… I’m still here… I guess, maybe, just maybe, the time machine stopped working, or the UTTS (universe teleportation transportation system) has malfunctioned. You know, just judging by the rubble scattered around the ground. There gone. There all gone. I am the only one left. I am searching through the debris and find a miracle. A phenomenon. The perfect ingredients for the most advanced incredible dish. I lay them out on the edge of the cliff, it was the only flat surface. I place the plate on one of the several rocks and began. I close my eyes and sing my song. I’m back home cooking in my kitchen. I can smell the salty sea air. I can hear the seagulls shouting. The sound of the crashing waves. I can see the mountains outside my window alongside the river. It is all seeming to drift away. So quickly. So close yet so far. I am coming back to my senses. Right. I’m back here. I stop. I sit. I listen. Bliss. Silence. Peace. I place the meal on my plate. A sandwich. Just the thing to cheer you up on a bad day.

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