Your character wakes up in hospital as the doctor is explaining that they have sustained a rare brain injury, and that from now on they will…
Decide what the consequence of the injury is and write a story about this character
I wake up in a hospital bed unable to gather my thoughts. I feel like hurting someone and grabbing one of the scalpels left on the side of my bed and poking it into someone’s eye. I didn’t know why I felt this way it was weird because I’m not the type to have intentions into hurting someone. But it felt like I had to. I also felt like someone that I didn’t know was watching me just sitting there waiting for me to sit up and scream in fear. But I couldn’t move, I didn’t want to move. I felt pressured and trapped, I didn’t know what to do with this feeling of fright and feeling like a serial killer.
A woman dressed in a white uniform comes up to me and asks “Is it okay if some of your family members come in?” I look at her in confusion as I start to see people gathering in the doorway. I tell her it’s fine if they come in, but I had no idea who they were. I got scared and sat up quickly and took one of the weird operating tools ,and threatened to hurt them. They looked at me in fear as if they now had no idea who I’ve become.