
Time was up, though none of them knew it, Lilura did. Standing in this massive cavernous hall walled with black marble rising to meet a ceiling of stars, that was supported by the large carved pillars, seven to be exact. Each a representation of her infernal circles true forms, for each of the sin’s that now lay in wait behind the ghostly visages they had conjured up to remain undetected.

As they crept around the darkened throne room sticking to the edges she felt almost giddy, her impaience growing by the second. All this work, all this time leading to this, finally when she could bare it no longer she shed her glamour stepping into the middle of the room and approaching the dias.

An ornate throne of bones was centrepiece against the tall arched windows. Walking up the same three steps Lilura had since she was a mortal she took a deep breath and turned clapping her hands and taking a seat.

Flames danced to life lighting the giant hall and the small group finally realised she was no longer with them, shocked words were shouted among them.

“Before you try anything stupid, I suggest you come before me and kneel.” Lilura drawled.

The group moved fowards together like sheep lead to slaughter believing safety was in numbers. Numbers that she had.

They knelt as one bowing their heads.

“Rise.” She commanded.

Ezra opened his mouth as if he was going to speak but she held his gaze a raised one finger.

“I did not however say speak.”

Erza snapped his mouth shut, she examined him taking in his dark brown hair lengthened since they had met, the stubble on his sharp jaw line. How his skin though dirty was still smooth and unmarrred, something she hadnt noticed or how his grey eyes widened at the sight of her. Liluras breath caught but she straightened herself, she had to focus.

“Speak, mortal.”

The anticipation had reached a high pitch that she could barely contain.

“I. I wish to ask to be returned to the mortal realm.” Ezra stammered.

Lilira cocked her head watching him closely, did he truely not see her at all? So naive these mortals.

“Why pray tell would I be interested in doing such a task?”

She watched as his face paled.

“As I have gone through such an effort to get you here, unharmed and alive.”

“A feat in itself” she added raising a brow.

Ezras face showed a symphony of emotions from confusion, realisation and then disbelief. Lilura waited for the anger, wanted him to shout to struggle to fight.

“Its not. You cant be. We. No. I wont accept this lie!” He stumbled over is sentences.

She was beginning to grow tired so she raised her ghostly glamour again presenting as she was when thrust into this world, kicking, screaming, thirsty for revenge. But a mortal none the less, before she became other, what the magic had warped her into.

Ezras jaw slackened as he stared at her, it made Lilura feel uncomfortable fidgety even.

“Why?” Ezra whispered.

“Does it matter?” Lilura lent forward slightly in the throne her hands curving over its arms.

Ezra looked at her then, truely seeing her and his face crumpled with agony, As the sins shed their glamours leading him away. Lilura didnt know what this feeling was, sliding over her skin, knotting her throat and plummeting to her gut.

It was guilt.

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