Jitters Of The Skinless Ones

For the past month, I’ve been shrouded in darkness, my future unclear. My past bright and vivid as ever because my brain craves and aches for the gift of sight. I do too.

Especially now, I’m stumbling uphill constantly tripping on the uneven incline of wet grass and mud. I can hear faintly the hustle and bustle of my village. The further I ascend into my panicked escape the noise almost disappears, I’ve entered a new world. The birds singing, weird jittering and crackling of other woodland creatures of the evergreen forest. Wind moving through the tree lines to remind me to steady myself…..


That wasn’t a twig but a thick branch of sorts, snapping under the weight of something. “Was it an animal?”, I ask myself in my head not daring to make a sound. Whatever it is must have stopped in its tracks when it saw me. I can feel its eyes burning into the back of my head, hairs standing up for attention. It’s…it’s moving. Towards me. It must be an animal because its movement is too irregular for a human. Carrying too many limbs. It’s getting closer and closer. It’s breathing. Hollow and wheezing. Bones snapping with movement. Its footsteps sound several feet away but its breath is undoubtedly being felt against my neck. The smell. My god. It’s like a rotting carcass. Smelling it once numbs that sense indefinitely. Being temporarily robbed of another sense is infuriating but my fear outweighs any anger.

“Look at me”, the creature hissed, its voice sounding like it was constantly choking blood.

I obeyed. I turned. To see obviously nothing but feel the presence of evil. Of power. Theirs silence. Anticipation for my demise.

“You don’t fear me?”, it asks almost offended.

“I can’t see you”, I muttered with no confidence in my voice.

It’s almost like I can hear him mulling over my words.

“I’m sorry for your loss”, I can't help but feel its sincerity.

“I’ve been getting that a lot recently”. I replied in self-pity.

The creature moves to almost beside me. The way its limbs move and crack makes me feel ill. I can tell it’s large by how even though it’s next to me, its voice sounds several feet above.

“Your from the village?”, it asks with athirst.

“Yes, although it feels like I don’t belong anywhere at the moment”.

“Your loss is recent?”.

“Yes”, I say flatly almost like I’m tired of my own pain.

“Such a big village..so many people”, I hear the throat of the creature make a jittering sound as I heard earlier, and liquid fall from its mouth, I presume it’s saliva.

“How could you feel alone?”

“I thought becoming blind people would make sure I don’t feel lonely, instead it’s like I’m too much of a burden”.

“I’m sorrrry, I can rid you of your pain”.

By the tone of the creature's voice, I know what it means. I panic. Survival kicks in. I try to stall it.

“W-wh-who are you ?”.

“I’m a traveller, hungry from mine and my families' journey”.

“Oh you have a family?”, I squeak frightened of the answer.

“Yesss, if it wasn’t for your…disadvantage you’d be able to meet them, dozens surround you right now”. My whole body goes numb at the thought. I’m surrounded by creatures of hell. The many crackling and jittering sounds of the deep evergreen forest weren't the natural wildlife but a pack of monsters. Monsters I couldn’t see. The thought makes me lose all focus and courage.

“Please”, I say in a broken voice as tears begin to run down my face. “I don’t want to die”.

“You’ve suffered enough, my child will give you a quick death I’m sure of it”, the creature's throat once again jitters in the most unsettling way.

Before I could fully process my fate I hear rapid scampering from behind. It darts over me as the wind runs through my hair. I then feel a quick slice across my neck. My chest is being dowsed in cold liquid. Due to my lightheadedness, I assume it’s my blood. I feel myself drift into a forever sleep and as my soul leaves my body I see the horrors of my mutilation below. I wish I was blind again.

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