
I woke up, tired and still groggy the alarm screaming into my ears. I reach for it, slapping the off button and, sitting up turn the lamp on. Warm light fills the small room and after contemplating going right back to bed, stand up and stretch my back, and wipe the sleep from my eyes. After a few more moments I walk over to the closet, the cool floor on my feet help to wake me up. I pick out my clothes, tan loose fitting slacks, a white shirt and tie, and to finish it off, a brown vest.

Heading downstairs I brew some tea and after getting some cold cereal head to the table, though I see a rolled up piece of ancient looking paper, tied up with a sting. A note is attached. I stare at it, unsure of what to do or how they got here, though curiosity got the better of me. I figure that the best thing to do is read the card first.

“My dear sir, I know how you thirst for something more, how you want something more”

I pause, whoever gave me this doesn’t seem to know me all that well, I like the comfortable and familiar, not for adventure, and sure I may hunger for more, but usually its more delicious food. but I decide to continue reading.

“This map will provide just that, it will lead to adventure, and a great prize at the end, I hope you enjoy the journey and put this map to good use, and to help it fulfill its purpose.”

I stare at the words, reading and rereading them. This is a joke right? This can’t be real… can it? I muse over the words, ‘lead me to adventure…’ do I want adventure? And what would be at the end? What would it all lead to? I eat the rest of my breakfast trying not to think too much about the map or the note. And before I really know it I am driving to work, though for some strange reason I brought the map, as if I couldn’t leave home without it. I know its silly, but I had to bring it.

It was the hardest day of work ever, my mind kept drifting back to the map, and what could be on it, what secrets it holds, and what it will lead to. When it is finally over I rush out, and head straight to my car and rush to a park, some place that I can look at at the map, I unroll it carefully and unroll it, my heart pounding, and nothing, there is nothing on it. I shake my head, how could I be so stupid? Be roped into such a silly idea?

I toss it onto my passenger seat, looking out the window, disappointed in myself, and maybe to a degree that the map wasn’t real, that it was all some strange and pointless joke.

I get ready to leave, ready to head home and go to bed, I glance over at the map, I don’t know why, maybe I wanted to disappoint myself again, or maybe I something told me to. But I glance at it. I see that what was once empty parchment now has lines, and writing all over it. It look like the town, at least in the center. Lines lead all over the place, fanning out in all directions from here. My heart seems to skip a beat, and I actually start to get really rather excited about it. I look, closer, really inspecting the map, and where all the routes seem to head to. One looks like it goes deep into the forest. Normally I wouldn’t go anywhere near there, at least not without planning and making all sorts of preparations for it. But that doesn’t seem right, at least not today… not this time. With that, still not really understanding why I am doing it, head for the forest, its a short drive, but just like the work day it seems to go on for ever, but I do get to a good spot to park the car and head towards the forest trail, following it until the map seems to indicate that I should leave the trail, heading off another way. I Pause, looking at the map for several minutes, then looking at the trail, I really shouldn’t leave the trail I could get lost… but I do have a map. I smile and take a step off the trail, heading the direction the the map leads me. its hard slow going, after all there isn’t a path, and the trees seem to be growthing thicker and denser now, what’s worse is that its growing steadily darker and harder to see. A nagging voice speaks up in the back of my mind. ‘You fool! Now you’ve done it. You’ve gotten yourself lost, and what’s worse is its getting dark!’ That’s true. Now I dint know what to do. But then an idea comes to be. I have a phone with a light, just go a little further, just a bit more, whatever I am supposed to find is near, I just need to take a few more steps.

I turn on the flashlight, the beam of light struck a the ground, lighting my way. Ten more steps? I keep walking. I should be here. I look around and sigh, shaking my head I look up at the stars. They are beautiful. The darkness may be all around me, and the night air is cold. But I feel calm, I feel at peace. I would have liked to find whatever this map was supposed to lead me to but, it was worth it coming out here, maybe I’ll come back and camp? I laugh to myself. I can’t believe I’m thinking that, or that I really want to. I decide to look a little harder, despite the fact that it’s now pitch black outside the flashlights beam. But then I find it, a small box. I grab it and open it, inside is a small note.

“Ah good, you found me. Though I must confess it was a bit of a lie saying the map would lead to adventure… even if it rings with a little truth… see it was to give you a taste of adventure. So that you will make your own. Now… now go out for your own adventure”

Smiling I nod. I will!

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