How To Surprise Your Brother

I woke up ready to spy on my big brother John again only he bust though the door saying plainly that I can’t spy on him and to stay away from him. This obviously surprises me but he always had the uncanny ability to see in the future somehow. The day begins like any other day in the summer, he plays games in his room until 12 noon then eats something then leaves to be with his friends however after two more instances where he found me before I could do anything I decided to have him be surprised for once.

So I try again next day I convinced the girl next-door to visit him on hopes that the cooties would freak him out or at least surprise him, but nope he brushes her off and Slams the door in her face. Then I try sending the tomboy girl at the corner block however while they seem to be friends now, he was not surprised.

Lastly I try to Second guess his actions but it became a little too confusing for me to keep up, so well clutching my head and heading upstairs I took a bad step and fell backwards on the stairwell. The last thing I saw before I fell unconscious was my bro surprise face in worry including the rest of the family so I guess I won?

In the end My brother thought he could prevent any antics I could get up to but he didn’t account on me getting hurt also says that he doesn’t see everything like he thought he did it was sorry if he was mean to me.

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