After a bad breakup, the main character finds a phone number offering a free fortune telling to those down on their luck. They decide to call.
A Fortune
Leah texted me. Hey Mila found something you might like!!!!
I wipe my tears, peering into my phone. A fortune tellers number. I scoff.
Everyone thought that me and Austin were soulmates. To be honest, I thought that too.
The way he would stare into my eyes. I would feel so lost I couldn’t even bring myself to call for help.
If we are actually meant to be together maybe this fortune teller will have the power to tell me that.
I dial the number, keeping my head on my pillow as the line rings.
“Hello, this is Maggie.”
I clutch the phone in my hand, “Uh, hey this is—“
“Mila,” Maggie cuts me off. My heart skips a beat. Is this real?
“You’re here about your break up with Austin. Am I correct?”
This must be a joke maybe something that Leah set up to give me hope that me and Austin are meant for each other. I sigh might as well just talk, even if it’s a prank.
“Yeah, I just wanted to know.”
Again Maggie cuts me off, “If you’re heart and his will one day intertwine. I know dear, and I think you’ll be surprised with my answer.”
A no, me and Austin aren’t going to make it.
Tears prick at my eyes as I sit up leaning my head against my bed frame.
“Hello?” I say after a minute of Maggie’s voice not booming in my ear.
“Listen,” Maggie replies, “Answer your future for yourself.”
I’m about to protest when my breath is taken away.
“Mila,” it’s Austin I’d recognize his voice anywhere. The comforting tone, the way it brings me back from the dead.
“Mila I love you,” Austin mumbles, “The last two years of my life have been so amazing. I’ve been trying to figure out why, and I know now. It’s because for those two years I had you.”
I part my lips as tears slide down my cheeks, “Austin,” I choke out.
“I’m saying I love you,” Austin says, “You make me feel sick and it’s the first time I love being sick . . . Marry me. One word, three letters. Say it and I’m yours.”
My hand raises to my mouth covering my smile.
“Austin,” I say tears streaming down my faces, “Yes.”