
Write a story about what what it means to be brave in your view.


I watched her walk down the halls everyday. She held her head high. Speeding past the numerous kids that blocked her way in life.

I didn’t stare at her in creepy stalker way.

No, no, no, no.

It was more of an..admiration.

Like when you see her with her friends. She laughs and her smile is beautiful. She lights up a room with such childish yet enthusiastic personality.

You couldn’t ever second guess it.

Or when she gives you every bit of her attention to you. The feeling her soft gaze holds make you feel loved.

You can’t even question if it’s true.

Or that boldness she holds when she plays a prank on the teachers. Or casually sneaks in the teachers lounge to steal the test answers.

Yet you can’t help but love it.

However, what if you took a closer look into her. What if you were to second quests it? Or question the amount of her love?

You’ll see the wreckage beneath her skin when she turns away from her friends.

Or if you focused on how many holes were in her love, because she didn’t how it was to be loved.

The bags under her eyes because it’s so exhausting to must up all the fragments of self-confidence.

I dazed at her as she walked down the sidewalk. Admiring every strut down the path. She turned around. Her eyes hooked onto mine like fish bait. She smiles. Was it fake? I hope not, because when she turns around her face turns pained and cold. Except for a slight blush in her cheeks.

I admired that bravery. The bravery she hauls to the surface when she wakes up everyday to the same demons.

I love that bravery.

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