Light the way

Darkness was in the beginning. And the Lord commanded there to be light. He made the light day and the darkness night. And he called that the first day.

When I think of light, literally and figuratively I think of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Loves pure light. He is the light of the world.

Each of us comes to this earth with the light of Christ within us. Varying degrees of light in certain. But we all still have it nonetheless.

It is what we do with that light in our lives that truly matters. Do we ignite light and fuel it each day so that it shines brighter? A beacon to all around us. Do we share it when we are able? Do we merge with our fellow Christian minded family and friends to shine bigger and brighter or do we let it dwindle down to a spark, a small flame flickering in the darkness.

Regardless, it certainly is our efforts for that light we hold that determines our eternal fate. Light is the opposite of darkness. It is a form of intelligence both literally and figuratively. Light is bright. It is heavenly, warm and inviting. It’s reveals truth.

Light can also mean a measurement of weight, the opposite of heavy. Light as a feather. Our souls are light.

L. I. G. H. T.

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