Inspired by Aeris

As a coming of age ritual unique to their culture, your protagonist must go into a mysterious cave and defeat their worst fear…

Describe this specific scene. What happens to your protagonist?

The Ritual

Walking into the cave I notice a straight line of guiding light. Someone had of course place this here before I arrived, however, I never noticed it when watching the others enter her for the first time. Stepping cautiously into the stream of light I look as straight as the beams of light could show me and ventured on.

All I had was an electric vaporiser gun, a smoking pipe, matches and a flask for water. Of course they gave me the gun with little charge, so, I would have to be calm and calculated with its use. Entering inside I hear scuffles. Looking back for an exit if things got too rough for me, I look behind. Darkness. The lights behind had disappeared and there was no way I’d travelled far enough not to see the entrance.

Eyes front. Just as my father told me.

Now though I notice, there is only one light above me. An artificial light, perhaps some kind of lamp.

I looked around scanning the environment, maybe a smoke would be necessary now. I pull out the pipe and place it on my lips. Using one of the matches to light it I keep it out in front of me. A little flame doesn’t provide too much light but it’s better than nothing. Walking forward now I start to hear more and more. I had to move quickly, it would be bad to be too easy a walking target. Dropping the match I puff on my pipe. Relieving some stress before pacing forward.

“You better start running,” says a calm and feminine voice.

I can hear the rushing of sand behind me, like someone threw one hundred maracas down a long steep hill.

Her laugh became hysteric and that’s when terror struck me. I ran as fast as I could within pitch blackness. My worst fear being suffocated by sand. I ran. Faster. I had to be as fast as I’ve ever been before. How could I defeat what I couldn’t see? I had to run for now. Father said, ‘when unsure of the enemies stance. Reposition.’ I could here his voice in my head like he was in front of me. I had to reposition.

A light appeared. Finally. Running towards it I spot a ledge high up, it needed to be a big jump to grab it. So I went for it. I threw my gun, then my pipe and leaped gripping the rocky ledge with both hands. The sand was getting closer.

“This is interesting!”

Her voice came back, almost motivating me to move on. To lift myself up onto this ledge. The sand rushing behind me I was too terrified to look!

“Please father give me strength!”

That gave me the strength alright… I lifted myself and rolled out on top of the ledge looking behind me. A sea of sand pouring through the cave like a faucet that’s been left on. Crashing underneath me, it stops.

This was only the beginning.

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