Their eyes see us as nothing but a prize

A prize they've won, a trophy to display

But little do they know, we're not theirs to sway

They hold on tight, refusing to let go

As if we're an object, a possession to show

They think they own us, body and soul

But we're not theirs, we have our own role

Their grip is suffocating, their touch too tight

They want to control us, with all their might

But we're not puppets, we're not here to please

We have our own dreams, our own desires to seize

They see us as a conquest, a game to win

But we're not prizes, we won't let them in

We're not here to fulfill their every need

We're strong, independent, we won't concede

Their possessiveness is toxic, it stifles our growth

We won't be defined by their possessive oath

We won't be tamed, we won't be confined

For we are free spirits, our own minds aligned

So to all the possessive guys out there

Know that we're not objects, we're not your share

We are our own, we're not a prize to claim

We won't be possessed, we'll break free from your game.

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