Write a poem about the experience of déjà vu.
Have you written something like this before? That feeling of having done, said, or been somewhere before is a universal experience.
What The Job Entails
My eyes close tightly to block out the moon.
In the morning, I will wake.
Not on time, no,
As the last bell chimes (as usual).
In a rush (as usual),
Underdressed (as usual),
Heart beating out of my chest (as usual).
I will work the day away.
I will speak and sell and count,
Taking money (always taking money).
I wish to start my book,
It’s been on my list forever,
Tomorrow will be the day.
But how can I?
A chapter cannot be read in fifteen minutes.
At least, not properly,
The way it is meant to.
Dinner will be set
(Take out or three day old leftovers).
I will be too exhausted to do much else.
I will rest.
Stare at my television until my mind,
I may do the dishes (I won’t).
I could do the laundry (I won’t).
I should have something done,
Anything at all.
I was just much too tired tonight.
Tomorrow, for sure (I won’t).
I will lay myself down under my sheets.
My alarm will be set,
Come the morning after, the day will be brand new.
New memories.
New thoughts.
Come the morning after, the day will be brand new.
Same home.
Same job.
Same paycheck.
Same lousy schedule.
Same exhaustion seeping into my bones and beating the hobbies and interests I used to enjoy out of me.
Come the morning after, the day will be brand new.
My eyes close tightly to block out the moon.