They Live

I can't move, but it's not because of my injuries, it's these damn restraints. They've got me strapped to some sort of stretcher on skis. I’m being pushed along this bumpy snowpack, and it’s making me dizzy. I can see the ski tracks left behind. Looks like we’re about a mile from the crash. They started flashing lights in my eyes; it's very blinding but I don't move.

It’s hard to breath, but the fresh air feels good on my body. There was so much smoke in my ship it was overbearing. Now that I’m out my lungs are already healing, but I feel like I need to clear them still. I shouldn't move though, they’ll know I’m conscious. I’ll have to breath through my skin for now.

The smoke also damaged my eyes. I am not blind but it does burn. The cold air is making it worse. My body will nictate soon and I wont be able to control it. Then they’ll see my movement. Dammint, I... I can’t control my eyes, they’ll give me away. I’ll pinch my leg under this blanket they wont see my hands. That will take the pain away.

“Hey, did you see that?”

“See what?”

“It blinked, and It has nictitating membranes… remarkable!”

“Do you think it's conscious?”

“I have no Idea but it's not moving.”

“Better hurry”

“I don't see why these military fools get to commandeer this body anyways, we’re the scientist!”

“these guys seem off, have you seen the division? C.L.O.U.D, I’ve never heard of it.”

“Just shut up. All militaries seem off. Let’s just do what we were sent here to do.”

I wish I knew what they were saying, they are talking a lot. They must have seen my eyes dammit - no, no they couldn't have noticed. I better just stay motionless. It's going to be tough though to keep still with all these wounds, and these two aren't exactly gentle while transporting me.

Looks like I’m going into some sort of vehicle. It feels cold and empty inside. There’s some kind of technology on the inside wall. it looks old and worn.

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