Write a story that includes a matchmaker who is always trying to set their friends up.
The whole story doesn't have to be about them, but feature them in a prominent way that flows with the plot.
Opposites Attract
Jessica was sitting at one of the most awkward dinners she had ever been at. She sat across the table from Dean, who was equally as uncomfortable.
Their oblivious mutual friend sat at the end of the table, chatting away. Diane was trying to set them up, saying that they would just be so cute together, yada yada.
It might have been a good idea, but Diane didn’t know that Jessica and Dean were sworn enemies. The only reason Jessica knew that it was him was because of his brilliant blue eyes. She would know those anywhere. She had been pinned down by their icy stare many times.
Somehow he had recognized her as well, she just wasn’t exactly sure how. But she supposed, they had fought for enough years to recognize how the other moved and flowed through life.
Just last week, Jessica had been forced to watch Dean dance his way around her booby traps that she had set at the bank for him, hoping to catch him so that she could finally get away with the money. But of course, she had failed, and he had trapped her underneath his stare once more.
Diane was so oblivious. She and Jessica had been roommates in college, and she had said that she and Dean were neighbors. If she knew both of them as well as she thought she did, how did she not realize how awkward they were feeling? It was torture to act like everything was fine.
But that gave Jessica an idea. She reached across the table to place her hand on Dean’s. He couldn’t pull away and alert Diane to his aversion of Jessica. She turned on her charm and started flirting with him, flashing him a wicked smile. She loved torturing her enemy in the most inventive ways. She just didn’t realize being trapped by social manners would be his downfall.
Diane noticed her sudden interest with Dean and offered to switch seats with Jessica, an offer that she gladly took. They had finished their dinner and we’re just talking by that point, so it was easy to move seats.
She saw Dean flinch as she scooted closer to him, which she relished. He tried leaning away from her, but forced himself to sit up straight before Diane noticed. He swallowed, and his hand managed to slip under the table onto Jessica’s leg. She assumed it was for Diane’s benefit, but it surprised her. She didn’t realize little Dean would have the guts to do something like that.
She did not like having to be in physical contact with her mortal enemy for so long, but she assumed that it was worse for him. He was the hero everyone adored, he had more morals than she did.
By the time they left the restaurant, Jessica’s leg was resting over Dean’s thigh and his arm was around her shoulders. She didn’t care if anyone in the restaurant thought it improper, she could just kidnap them later or something. But Diane was loving it. She forced them to give the other their phone number.
Diane practically pouted when the “couple” left the restaurant separately. She was surely expecting them to have a proper date afterwards, but Jessica was ready to wash the touch of the goody two shoes off of her. She was also happy to stick him with the check.
She promised Diane that she would keep her updated on her “relationship” before she left, which consoled her a little. Jessica couldn’t wait to use Dean’s number for all sorts of nefarious plots in the upcoming weeks. She did find herself wondering what he was thinking throughout the dinner though, and if he had been as repulsed as she had.