
The singed corpses of burnt trees reached up out of the ground like giant black skeletal hands grasping for anything to pull them out of their graves and littered the landscape before me. Smoke crept along what was once the Forest floor, now only crisp and brittle diet. The permanent overcast sky illuminated the area with no shadows, and showed proof that no animal had returned after what had happened here. I walked slowly, listening to the ground crunch beneath my feet like packed snow. How did I get these boots? They weren’t mine. In fact nothing I had on was what I had dressed myself in this morning and I had no recollection of coming here. There was a grogginess to my thoughts, a slight blur in my vision, and I placed my hand on a nearby branch to support myself for a moment.

It snapped and broke off under the simple weight of my hand. I looked around, unable to discern any direction. There was no way to tell where the sun was above this great endless greatness that seemed to glow unnaturally above me. This was a mountain range, I could see that, albeit a small one. I was standing in the valley between to large elevations, and strait ahead of me was a much larger mountain several miles off that seemed as if it’s too had been blown away. Was that a volcano? There was no dried lava near me and the air was clean if ash. What had happened here?

I walked on through the desolate valley towards the larger structure ahead. There was no where else to go. My first instinct was to climb one of the adjacent hills but the terrain looked impassable towards the top of either. My watch was missing, and the pockets of these clothes were empty. I had to way to contact anyone.

What had happened to this place? What had happened to me?

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