A Switchblade Romance

“I think I just met the happiest person in the world!” Andy said perkily as she set down her stuff at the cafe table; a heavily gessoed sketchbook rubber banded together, a travel coffee mug decked out in stickers, a Swiss army knife. Yep. Typical Andy.

“Oh really?” Janie said, raising her eyebrow skeptically.

“Yup!” She said, popping the “p”.

“And what pray-tell were they so happy about?”

“I gave them my number.” She grinned.

Janie nearly spit out the latte she’d been drinking. Andy never gave out her number to anyone.

“They were that interesting, huh?” Janie asked, intrigued.

Andy sighed dreamily. “Interesting doesn’t even begin to cover it. So I was trying to get here on time, right?”

“Right, ‘cause you’re always late.”

“Yeah. So I’m running and I didn’t see this girl barreling towards me on roller skates.”


“And we slam into each other! God, Janie, I look up from where I am on my ass on the ground and I see what I can only describe as an angel.”

Janie looks deadpan at her friend. “You sure you don’t have a concussion?”

“No, but that’s beside the point! Listen, Janie, this girl was drop dead gorgeous. Brown skin, brown eyes, wild amethyst hair, a rainbow cardigan, a switchblade. I think I’m in love.”

“Wait, switchblade?”

“Yeah, she dropped it and when I picked it up we started talking knives.”

“How romantic.”

“It really was.”

“So do you think she’ll call?”

“Oh man, I sure hope so.”

As if on cue, Andy’s cell phone began to ring and she practically leapt at the thing.

“Hello?” She said hopefully.

When a smile blossomed on Andy’s face, Janie knew exactly who it was. She smiled softly at her friend as she babbled into the phone. Maybe Andy was wrong, Janie thought. Maybe the happiest person in the world was Andy?

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