Write a descriptive paragraph about what you think should be considered the 8th wonder of the world.

A Case For More

The submission of Mount Rushmore is a worthy candidate for consideration.

Some would disagree, yes. However those that would discent should at least concede that Mount rushmore stands as a truly memarkable achievement worthy of consideration.

In the modern world with technology and modern equipment, it seems as though incredible feats of engineering, to include any medium for which the idea was born, have been relegated to judgement by the enormity of the undertaking and, of course, the outcome. Works of art in their own right, current considerations seem to be the quivalent of “Here’s my size sixty seven shoe. Try not to gawk”

In other words, how much concrete can you pour. Not meant to be an insult, the oversimplification gets the point across.

Mount rushmore, in size and scope, touches on multiple facets of audacity, intrigue, controversy and interpretation enjoined to history. It should at least spark an impassioned discussion; a debate on the merritt’s of being classified as a wonder of the world. With thought inspiring topics such as the sculptors affiliation with the Ku Klux Klan and that organizations monetary contribution to the project, to the land that was taken from the sioux indian tribe that included the mountain that would become Mount Rushmore. Should these topics disqualify Rushmore or should it be judged by how it fits into the category? After all, each of the current named wonders undoubtedly have their detractors.

As they span thousands of years, not one stands with impunity. These debates are settled not on whether the debate is settled at all but rather how large the debate can become and who or how many are needed to sway public opinion over the long haul.

Perhaps, anything to be considered for a wonder of the world should be left with the individual and the wonder it inspires in the self. To the emotion it elicits and to which ever place it shall occupy in that individuals own list of what’s wonderous. That seems to be the fairest of approaches and the least likely path to an argument.

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