Submitted by M.W.B-B

“When the time comes, be ready.”

Write a short scene where this piece of speech is used.

You Won’t Be Ready

When the time comes

For you to leave your friendships

To ditch the toxic bitches

And say goodbye to unworthy people

When the time comes

For you to find yourself

And tell those people to fuck off

Because they’re not worth your time

When the time comes

To spill your heart out

Because you were in fear


When the time comes

For this sun to set

And the moon of your heart to rise

It will rise high

When the time comes

To sever old ties

Because they don’t know

How to be a “friend”

When the time comes

For you to open your fucking eyes

And realize

What a friend really is

When that time comes

Today or tomorrow

You won’t be ready

It’ll hit you like a truck

When that time comes

At full force

In your face

You won’t be ready

When that time comes

For you to end that person

And their life with you

You won’t be ready

But neither will they

So fuck them

And fuck society

Because this story is yours

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