Explore the theme of 'Love against all odds'.

What forms and structures of poetry might be best suited to this theme?

Un-Voided By Your Love…

If I could give the moon to thee, I would wrap it up with the deep blue sea. I’d count the stars as I sent them to your heart. And place the mountain spans in the palms of your hands. But all I have is my love to give. Draped with these dreams, I tell you over and over again. Which is to be with you until the sun no longer shines. To spend eternity by your side. The gold in my days, is my hand in yours, always. The silver outline of my nights, is our lips pressed together tight. Oh how my heart beats spell out your name; the letters of love; the syllables of sway. The greatest gift is my soul mixed with yours. Two have become one, in love forever more…


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