Write a story from two different perspectives, paralleling each other in one event.
The pair of characters should ideally be connected, like a killer and a victim.
My Choice
_*This is from two of my characters in another novel draft I made. It’s based off the Victorian Era of Britain and has a magic system*_
_**I had went to my Aunt Loriene house to seek answers about my specific magic heritage, but instead I witnessed many pressured attempts to get me into their work lives. To help them in the London Magic System.
There are different systems around Britain, some are now being built around Europe.
But I have no interest in those things whatsoever. I just wish to stay with my maternal aunt and Oswald.
Mostly Oswald.
But now I don’t think that’s possible, for my Aunt Loriene has given me an “offer” I can’t afford to refuse.
_**Ever since Rayburn came back from London, he’s been acting strange. And not _his _strange. In fact it seems like he’s a ghost wherever he goes.
We are sitting in his room at the moment, silent but ultimately together, which I am quite fine with. Though something feels off. There’s something Rayburn isn’t telling me.
Sadly enough, I cannot tell just by looking at his face. He always has that stubborn frown and a dip of his brow. Even when he’s sketching.
He’s doing that now, while I watch from beside him. I know that he hates when people interrupt him, but….
“Ray,” I say, tapping his shoulder.
He gives me a look when he turns to me, our noses almost touching. My heart stumbles from the fact. How much I love him is beyond words.
“Yes, Oswald, what is it,” he responds crossly.
I pause a bit, then reach into his curly golden-brown hair to tangle my finger in a strand. Rayburn allows me to do this and leans into my touch.“You’ve haven’t yet told me what went down during your stay at London. How were your aunt and cousins doing? It’s been a long time since their last visit.”
Rayburn freezes, eyes everywhere but on me. A deeper frown makes its way onto his lips. “They’re fine,” he said curtly.
I think about his answer, staring into his even, gray eyes, smiling when his face grows to be a tomato red. “That’s good. I do hope Charlie has been found well with that muting medicine of his.”
He nods, quiet once more. It seems he doesn’t want to talk about this anymore. I’ll just bring it up later.
I kiss his cheek with a count of four, then scoot closer until our hips are pushing against each other. I point to the sketch on his pad. “So what’s this supposed to be; a frog?”
Rayburn frowns, his eyes radiating his hidden laughter. “It’s a _cat_, Oz.”
I chuckle, happy that he’s in good spirits now. “Sure, sure.”
Though I still wish to know the cause of his anger and fear. The last time I saw that aunt of his from London, she was rather tricky and unpleasant to be around.
“It’s getting close to the time for you to leave, isn’t it Lanvard?” Aunt Florence is busy in the kitchen preparing dinner.
She’s right, it is. After tomorrow, I leave for London.
“I have my bags all packed, so there no need to worry about that.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about,” she says, “What I’m concerned about is Oswald; have you told him yet?”
No, I have not. But Aunt Florence doesn’t meet to know that. She’ll just run and tell him. I don’t want Oswald to be sad the next two days. I want him to be happy, his normal self, his loving self. To see him smile makes me feel better about my decision.
So that’s why I say. “Yes, I have.”
He doesn’t need to know. He doesn’t. _HE DOESN’T_.
Kissing Rayburn is one of the many blessings in life for me. Rayburn knows this as I have told him many times.
So why does he creep out of my embraces, and turn his head away from my lips?
At first, I thought that nothing really happened on his trip, but now….
I walk around for a while in town square, the dark sky looming over me, thinking about it. That Lady Loriene was something else; a snake in fine clothing whose bite would sting before the poison hits. When I heard that Rayburn was going there by himself, I offered to go with him. He said no, of course, and then made love with me as a promise that he would be back.
Now’s he’s back, yes, but he’s not himself. Something is definitely wrong.
_What am I missing?_
I blink, turning to see Rayburn carrying a large duffle bag. I yell to him, waving my arms. He turns to me, face paler than ever and eyes wide.
Then he runs.
I run after him.
_No_. Nonononononono.
This wasn’t suppose to happen. He wasn’t suppose to know until _after _I left.
I hear Oswald behind me. Yelling for me to stop and give him answers. He’ll catch up to me soon. I just need to make it to the train station and the guards will stop him. You can’t enter without a pre-paid ticket.
But then he grabs my arm and spins me toward him.
Oswald is breathing rapidly, huffing in breaths. “Rayburn, what the _HELL_ is going on?!”
He isn’t going to leave until I tell him answers. I sigh.
It’s time to hurt him in the worst way possible.
_**“I’m leaving for London,” Rayburn says, glaring at me.
Why is he doing that? Did I do something wrong? Why is he angry at _me_?
“While over there my aunt tested me for any trace of magick,” he interrupts me, “and it seems I have a…large amount of it.
“She doesn’t want it to go to waste.”
I bite my lip. “W-well you don’t have to go alone!” I say, I can go with you.”
Rayburn shakes his head. “No, you cannot. You would be just extra baggage.”
I still. “_What_? _Why_?”
Then he says the words. The very words that break my heart, my soul, my very reality.
“Because I don’t love you anymore.”
I gape, my mouth opening and closing like a fish. I stare into his blank gray eyes, the very ones that used to make my heart flutter at their warmth.
I let him go, and he leaves with, “Don’t follow me, you should have known that this relationship was wrong.”
Rayburn is long gone when my parents find me in the morning curled up on the concrete and crying my heart out.
_**The train ride to London seems long.
Very long.
I did what I was supposed to do.
Now Oswald won’t be hunted down and executed for our…intimate relationship.
He’ll be safe.
I told him off like she wanted.
But is it what I _really _wanted?
_[These two are childhood friends. After Rayburns parents died in a fire, he went to live with his maternal aunt because of his parents’ will. There he met Oswald and his family. Oswald wanted to be friend with him immediately, Rayburn was stubborn…. They eventually become more, but Rayburn is the most powerful magicker in a century and one of his fraternal aunts wants that power for herself]_**_