Write a story featuring a character who never says no to a bet.

What kind of run-ins might this character have?

Baizel’s Idiocracy - Titled By Laro

Laro sighed as he pressed a damp cloth to Baizel’s forehead, who groans in response.

“ Absolute imbecile.. Idiocy beyond imagination.. “ Laro muttered to himself, gently cleaning the Knight’s bloodied skin carefully, before reaching up and drying his hair.

“ You really do like the letter ‘ i ‘ , don’t you? “ Baizel smirked, gently tinted grey eyes shimmering with mischief. Laro whacked him with the towel soaked with blood, staining his face with red.

“ Atrocious behavior, undignified and unacceptable! “ Laro huffed, before dipping the towel back into the water, rinsing off the crimson.. for the most part.

“ Oh come on~ can’t I have a little fun~ “ Baizel tried, before being whacked gently once more.

“ If ‘ fun ‘ means accepting a dangerous bet, then no. “ Laro huffed.

“ Well how was I supposed to know the arena had constant guarding?! “

“ Common sense would tell you so- oh wait, that is one thing that you don’t have, along with self preservation. “

“ HEY- “

“ You know I’m right. If you had an ounce of either, then you wouldn’t be in this state. “ Laro shook his head, truly, his husband was an idiot.

( A WIP )

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