Submitted by Annabelle
He climbs out of bed, doesn’t bother to change, walks downstairs to kick ALL of their tails, and then returns to bed.
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Morning Coffee
He climbs out of bed, doesn’t bother to change, walks downstairs to kick _all_ of their tails, and then returns to bed.
_*sigh, deep breath, sniffle, yawn*_
“What was going on down there, dear?” she asks without rolling over. He sits at the edge of the bed in a daze, half awake.
He kicks off his slippers and slips back underneath the covers next to her. “Billy was picking on Clara again. Getting everyone all riled up. It’s taken care of for right now.”
“Did you have to put him in the cage again?”
“Yup. That kid will never learn.” He shifts in the bed. “I’ll let him out after the others have breakfast.”
The sun is just beginning to make its way through the gaps in the window blinds. The room fills with amber warmth, a stillness falls over the property.
Soon an alarm clock rings out and the couple stirs. The man rises and this time dressed himself for the morning ahead. He enters the kitchen and brews the daily coffee, a well oiled machine operating on high.
_*whir, drip, drip*_
Out the side kitchen door he preps breakfast for the kids, evenly distributing the food. He opens the gate, a flood of hungry mouths pouring through, Clara shyly at the back of the pack. He looks on as they devour it, making sure she gets her chance to feed.
A tap on the shoulder and the woman stands behind him with a warm cup of fresh coffee, steaming in the crisp morning air. “So did you let Billy out yet?”
He chuckles. “No. I was giving us all one last moment of peace?”
“It looks like everyone is almost done, it might be time.” She pats him on the shoulder and points through the fence. He nods and heads off.
A few moments later Billy comes bursting through the fence, kicking mud in every direction. He runs head first into the first moving target he comes across, stirring the group and quickly locking his sights on Clara stood at the outskirts of the pack. He lowers his head and charges at her encouraging a chase.
Clara lets out a loud high pitched bleating and takes off running back though the gate they had all emerged from, passing the man on his way out to retrieve his coffee.
_*long exhausted sigh*_
The man about faces and follows after them. “God damn it Billy!! I hate this fucking goat!!”
The woman laughs and places his cup on the back stairs as she returns to the house.
The morning sun sits low in the dewey air illuminating the chaos. Life fills the property.
“I just want my damn coffee!!”