Mysteries and Murder

“He watches from afar. What shall we do about him?”. Gemma wondered. She had a feeling that something bad was going to happen to either her or her best friend, Beth but she shrugged it off, continuing to sip her nice, cold glass off wine as the man’s eyes burned deep into her soul. Once she’d finished her drink, she put her empty glass down on the table and then she and Beth got up and left the club. It was dark out. Gemma got her phone out of her clutch bag and attempted to call a taxi but the call wouldn’t connect and so the two of them just decided to walk home, not long after they began to walk they heard footsteps behind them, it was the man that had been staring at them all night, so they sped up...but then so did the man. “Babe, I think that man’s following us”. Gemma says. Beth turns her head slowly but then changed her mind and looks straight ahead, walking even faster and Gemma follows. The man is really close behind them now...the girls are fearing for their lives. They weren’t too far from their house but before Gemma could catch up with Beth and before she had the chance to scream, she was whacked over the head with a large metal bar, the sound of her skull cracking made Beth feel nauseous. She slowly tuned around, coming face to face with her best friend’s killer... someone Beth knew very well but had never told Gemma, it was her brother, who had took the blame for Beth murdering their parents. “Hello, sis...”.

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