Write a letter to a friend, from the perspective of someone living 100 years in the future.

What commonplace things might they mention that would surprise a reader now, and how can you use these to drive an interesting narrative?

Feels like a Movie

Dear Leoni, hope you are doing well. Soon we have our 100 year anniversary of our friendship. Maybe we should meet up. Crazy how fast the time has passed. It’s already the 22. century. I can’t believe it! Remember how we joked around that we might have tow more wars and much more pandamics at this time. Well… The pandemic-thing came true, more or less. Remember the corona virus? After that we had five more such viruses. But after the first one we knew how to handle them. What upset our world more was the fight for water. Man were these times full of chaos, pain and suffering. But at least wie made it! And together, all human all oder the world worked together to help each other. I hope you and your family are celebrating the day of unity tomorrow. We will! And I also hope we will see us soon. With a lot of love Yours Isabel
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