Cat And Mouse

Water splashed all around me as I paddled as fast as I could down the raging rapids of Anteok river. Behind me I could hear the shouting from my captor, “It’s going to be worse for you if you keep running.” I ignored his threats and continued paddling. Ahead I could see a split in the river I aimed for the right where the river became a short watetfall then went into more rapids. I figured if I survived the fall the rapids would take me out before he had a chance to take me again. His obsession over me knew no boundaries and I knew the only way he would leave me would be in death, his or my own. I screamed as I paddled towards the waterfall praying I was fast enough. The hollow sound of metal on plastic came from the back of my kayak, i turned my head as my kayak began to slow and move backwards. My heart began racing as I knew my life was over, my escape attempt failed and he was going to punish me more harshly than ever before. Fear seared in my veins as tears wet my cheeks. He yanked my boat to the side of the river and jumped out of his small motor boat. I kept my head bowed, my eyes on my hands and he walked towards me. His brown leather boots came into view in the mud, a strong hand came down on the back of my neck and forced me to look up at him. As I met his eyes I couldn’t help but admire the striking green hue that surrounded his pupils. The corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled down at me, “My darling Lila, when will you learn that I will always catch you.”

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