Write a scene in which two characters have very different emotions about the same thing.
E.g. One character could be very happy after finding something out, whilst the other is sad about it.
Ice Cream Endings
“I’m getting married!” Julie burst, jumping up and down. She and her best friend Kevin had stopped by their life long favorite ice cream shop, Creamy Bliss, and she couldn’t keep the secret any longer.
“Wait, what? Really?” Kevin asked, stunned.
“Yeah, me and George! Can you believe it?”
“Hardly! Congrats, Jules.” Kevin forced a smile, trying to be happy for the girl who meant everything to him. It was just hard, knowing now someone else was officially _her_ everything.
“Thanks, Kev. He just makes me feel so… so **happy **you know?” Julie sighed happily, licking at her Cherry Blossom ice cream.
“Happy for you, Jules. Really. When’s the wedding?”
“November 9th, the day we met! You’ll be there, right? We’re sending RSVPs in a week, but you’ll come? Please?” Julie pleaded, giving Kevin her best impression of puppy eyes. She needed her best friend with her on the biggest day of her life.
“Duh! Of course, Julie. Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Kevin assured her. But all he could think of was the ring in his back pocket, begging for one more chance with his best friend, the girl who made him happier than all the ice cream at Creamy Bliss, the girl he would do anything for. Even let her go to follow her own romance story. At least she would get her happy ending.