‘It had been fifteen years since the sun had last risen.’
Write a short story that begins with this line. Is it real or metaphorical?
It had been fifteen years since the sun had last risen. Fifteen years of hiding in the shadows and staying out of sight from the Alive. Fifteen years of loneliness and isolation.
Mitch had survived much of the first year after the start of the apocalypse. Fighting on the frontlines, he helped build the first haven in what used to be North America. While foraging an abandoned city, he was bitten by the Unalive and was left alone to turn by his fellow soldiers.
Except Mitch didn’t die. His skin grew grey and his eyes bloodshot but his mind was sharper than before. He did not crave flesh like the others yet they accepted him as one of their own as long as he didn’t fall out of line with their primal instinct.
For fifteen years he snuck around empty cities scavenging food and clothes without being seen.
Surviving on his own, until a large army swept back through their city. He overheard a soldiers radio commanding to purge any stragglers. Heart beating out of his chest, he ran. Ran through alleys, through empty building to the edge of town. He knew no one would take a second to understand him, they would shoot first and ask questions later.
As he jumped the fence in an alley close to the edge of what was once a suburb, he caught the eye of a female soldier. She froze in fear as he fell to his knees, accepting is fate. Shocked by the emotional response of an Unalive, she lowered her weapon.
Mitch looked up, nearly blinded by the sunlight that he has avoided for years. He spoke and was surprised by the sound of his voice.
“Don’t shoot me please.”
Dropping her gun and reaching for her radio, the soldier called for backup. Men and women began surrounding Mitch in awe at the realization that they have found someone who has immunity.
Riding back into his city with his adrenaline running and a smile on his face, Mitch knew he was making history.