Inspired by Bri loves apples

Your 'emotions' are people living inside your body, who react to the situations you experience to ultimately decide how you feel about things.

Write a story where these 'emotions' are reacting to something you are experiencing. You could write it like a dialogue, or as a narrative of what they're doing to decide which emotion you feel.


Anger and Sadness kept fighting over the dashboard. Fear had to be put off to the side or else, the mothership would’ve known that their vessel has given up. Their aura managed to still take over a bit of Subconcious anyway.

Optimism kept trying to keep Hope up by fueling Persistence with what creations kept coming from the Imagination Department due to a lack of happy memories. They never came fast enough.

Hope tried assisting but they quickly lost stamina and had to rest.

Pessimism has given up, scrawled all over the outer walls in graffiti, “You are useless.”

Rationality couldn’t find the logic in the other mothership’s signals, it was as if they were encoded with some strange string of code that made sense, yet they still felt meant something completely different.

Heart hurt. They felt sick.

Depression lurked in the corner as usual, sipping his morning coffee while glazing through the intrusive thoughts for the day.

Inner monologue had so many words to say, but Courage was too busy trying to split Sadness and Anger up to remind them where the talking button was.

Inner Child couldn’t understand what was happening, she thought that the two vessels have had an alliance since they day she was manufactured.

What did she do wrong?

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