Used To

In the realm of innocence, where trust was pure,

Lies a tale of longing, of a heart unsure.

"I sometimes forget," she whispered with a sigh,

"How easy it was, to say hello to a stranger passing by."

Once upon a time, she viewed the world with grace,

Believing in the goodness, in every stranger's face.

Her heart, an open book, ready to be read,

A canvas of love, where friendships were spread.

But as time went on, and wounds began to scar,

Her trust was shattered, like a fallen star.

The ones she loved, turned out to be untrue,

Leaving her skeptical, of the friendships she once knew.

Oh, how she longed, for that innocence again,

To believe in the goodness, to trust without pain.

But the scars ran deep, etched into her soul,

A reminder of the hurt, that took its toll.

She learned the hard way, that not all is as it seems,

That love can be deceptive, like a twisted dream.

Yet in the midst of her skepticism's hold,

A glimmer of hope, a story yet untold.

For in the depths of her heart, a flicker remained,

A longing to connect, to trust once again.

To find the courage, to say hello to a stranger,

And embrace the possibility, of a friendship's danger.

For in the beauty of vulnerability's embrace,

Lies the chance for connection, in this human race.

To let go of the past, and open up anew,

To find the strength to trust, in the chosen few.

So let her heart be cautious, but not closed,

To navigate the waters, where friendships are composed.

For in the dance of love, there's always a chance,

To find the ones who'll stay, and make her heart dance.

And as she looks back, on the journey she's been through,

She'll remember the lessons, both old and new.

"I sometimes forget," she'll say with a glow,

"How easy it was, to say hello to a stranger, and let love grow."

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