“Open skies beckon in something broader.”
Write a poem that begins with this line.
The Sky Is Black
Open skies beckon something broader
than our minuscule minds may comprehend.
During the day we see Mr. Blue Sky.
Or maybe he’s being conservative
and covered in blankets of clouds.
The sunlight shines some ninety-one million
miles from the location of land we live,
and sends a spectrum of waves
wandering through a vacuum.
And as the waves enter the atmosphere,
they barm apart against the farts of air
and atoms around our rock,
and enter our eyes as lies of blue
or sunset red.
But the everlasting vacuum of space is black.
The ever expanding infinite nothingness
is lacking light, love, and maybe even life.
We the people, of Earth and maybe Mars,
are noisy and needy,
and unaware of neighbors.
But what would be worse?
Being along in the universe?
The infinite nothingness
is our individual home?
Or will we hear back
from planetary partners,
“Be silent, or they will hear you.”