Inspired by an anonymous user

Trying to walk home quickly in the storm, you notice drops of blood in the snow in front of you, leading away into the woods.

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The Blood red Moon

It was a Friday night, and I’d left another party. They were just too much.

Who invented clubs? “Hey let’s make a dimly lit room where people can dance and be loud and annoying for only 50$!”

They disgusted me, but more importantly, made me feel uncomfortable.

Soft snow fell outside, and I knew it was only a matter of time before this small snowfall became a blizzard.

Pulling my black trench coat over my shoulders tightly, I hurried outside and into the forest.

The trees kept most snow out, but the sky was darkening quickly.

I looked like another version of Little Red Riding Hood.

I kept my head bowed, and good thing too, or else I wouldn’t have seen the red. At first, I had thought it was a tint in the snow.

But then more showed up.

Just small sprinkles here and there, but they made me curious. When I turned in the direction of my house, I noticed the blood lead the other way, deeper into the forest.

Should I have gone? Probably not. I turned to the blood and began waking further.

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