Submitted by r.d.m

Write a letter to someone on your mind.

Or write a letter to someone on a character's mind.

Sorry for the delay

Dear friend,

I’ve been wanting to write to you for so long. But I’ve been caught up in my own head. I wanted to tell you that you’re special, strong and you deserve so much love in this world.

I think of when you the best when you are smart, kind and funny. You are wise beyond your years... always have been! But this was as much a gift as it was a curse. You took on roles no little girl should have. You held the devil’s hand and looked into his crystal ball... and you saw things people shouldn’t see in a life time. All before your first period!

You tried so hard not to change on the outside. A smile cemented on your face. You made sure everyone else was smiling and laughing, too. But inside you were crumbling and the cracks were beginning to show. You concentrated so much on holding down your emotions that eventually you just stopped feeling. You betrayed yourself all those years ago... at least I know that’s what you think. You think you don’t deserve happiness.

When you were told all those years ago that you were wise beyond your years, you thought you were supposed to be making adult decisions. You were confused.

I know when you look in the mirror now you hate yourself. The way you look, the way you treat your body, the way you carry yourself. You’re now an adult making decisions out of self-hate because you think you don’t deserve to love yourself.

I know you blame yourself for everything. But I’m writing to let you know that’s not your fault. Like you told me, I’m wise beyond my years. You were forced into decisions you were too young to make. I know you try to push me away because it’s too painful to think about. But you need to take care of me. Let me have the childhood I deserved. You know they say you never really grow up anyway.

Love you so much,

Your inner child

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