
One cloudy morning, I made a one-way ticket to an odd city that was unknown to many, Oxtown. I walk into a futuristic building with lots of extraordinary symbols. I wonder what could this possibly mean. As I walk in, I see lots of people with machines. It’s those machines where people with breathing problems would need. There is not a single person without one. As soon as I walk pass a security, he rapidly pressed a great red button that had an odd symbol. When that button was pressed, a very loud alarm rang and guards furiously ran towards me.

“What the-“, I said in shock.

Next thing, you know I wake up in a hospital-like bed with cuffs on my legs and arms.

“What the hell is going!? What is this!?”

“Where do you come from” a doctor said.

“Why are you in our city without a Breather?!”, he furiously said with fright.

“What is a Breather? I don’t understand. What is going on here? I didn’t do anything !?” I said with shaking hands.

“Ah I see. You’re new to this town. Everyone who steps foot into this town must purchase a Breather. Without one, you will be persecuted.” The doctor said with a smirk.

“What!? What in the hell is a Breather?” I furiously questioned.

“Oxygen is not free, Ms. you must purchase an oxygen machine this instant or you will be sent away!”

I was in shock. How could this be true? You have to pay for air?? This is crazy.

I decided to head back home and never look back to this insane law of purchasing a Breather. I never understood why this was, but one day, I will return and discover the truth.

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