The Bridge From The Ashes

The rickety bridge splays out before me. Itā€™s long, stretching out into the dense blanket of fog ahead. As dire as it is now, I cannot move. I cannot make the trek forward.

ā€œSimona, come on!ā€ My lemur Pip takes me by the finger. ā€œThis bridge here takes us over the Cerulean Sea! If we run now, we can catch the perpetrator!ā€

My body sags against his pull. Iā€™m like the chains that once held his little paws down to submission. Smoky ash imprints his gray fur with dusty black spots.

ā€œSimona!ā€ He squeaks louder this time. His eyes give me empathy.

I extend my hands forward, veins and muscles stiff in my skin. The fog parts way in command. The other side is a lush green grassland, contrasting to the destruction behind me. Pieces my village scatter around me, coated in cinder. The berries that needed picking in the forest seemed to have predicted this tragedy. I am the last woman standing.

ā€œPlease, donā€™t fret,ā€ Pip pleads. ā€œI know you miss them butā€”ā€œ

ā€œIā€™m not sad,ā€ I say. He gives me a knowing look, as if he caught a lie thatā€™s not there. I am not sad. Iā€™m stuck between sanity and insanity, drowning in the unknown. Iā€™m trying to reach the surface. My feet freeze to the ground.

ā€œWe still have to cross.ā€

I scoop my furry friend in my palms and let out a quiet cough. ā€œIā€¦canā€™t. Itā€™s all my fault. Leaving would be wrong, even if the one with the matches is still out there, searching for other villages to burn, other lives to take. My familyā€¦ā€

Tears trickle down my cheeks. Pip wipes them away, his tiny claws scraping my face. The magic that gave him his voice seeps through my skin, doing its best to life my spirits. ā€œCross the bridge, and you will be okay. I promise.ā€

I trust his words. Itā€™s a slow venture. The soles of my feet press against the gentle grass at the end. I turn back towards what was once my home, when a piece of paper attached to one of the bridgeā€™s posts fluttered in my vision. A soft gust ripped it off and carried it towards me.

Dear Simona,

Everyone is safe. We fled with many others before the flames could reach us. Pip has led you across this bridge. Keep walking south until you see a tent.

_ _

_ Love, Sybil_

My brotherā€™s handwriting relieves me. Hope lifts my heart.

ā€œI told you,ā€ Pip says.

The grasslands welcome me, and I twirl with glee and fall onto my back.

Tomorrow, I will see my family again.

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