Don’t Cry Over Spilt Milk.

What do you mean, don’t cry over spilt milk?

Do I not cry when I spill the milk?

No, that isn’t what I mean. It’s okay though, as it took me some time too, to grasp this one.

So what does it mean?

Well you see, many bad things happen in this world.

There is war.





People killing.

People dying.

Many more can be added.

What happens you ask, if you let these bad things get to you?

They start to stack in a pile, going higher and higher, until they collapse.

Then they take over.

Suddenly, the weight of the world, is on your shoulders.

The hate, it festers in you. The hate then becomes anger.

The sadness from people dying, takes over.

You no longer stop to smell the roses.

You don’t appreciate the small things.

And you no longer do what you love or what makes you happy.

Adding something so small or minute, to all those worries, tips you over the edge.

So why cry over spilt milk?

Choose your battles, choose which ones are worth fighting over.

Choose which ones are worth crying over.

There’s only so much that you can control, before it takes control of you.

And remember, don’t cry over spilt milk.

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