Write a story that could be titled 'Don't Walk Home Alone'


The street light was out. Only one of them, but it was next to a shady alley. The gaping maw of the passage looked before me as I creeped closer. I was alone, heading home from a party.

It’s seemed the smart decision; walking home instead of driving. I had been drinking and couldn’t afford points on my license. Now though, looking at the shadowy entrance before me, I wonder if I should have risked it.

What lay beyond the darkness? A man, waiting for me to pass to pull me in and take all I have? A monster, stalking me like prey, wanting to rend the flesh from my bones? It could be something lurking, waiting for a lone passerby. Perhaps it will follow me home to feast.

Regardless, I had to pass the alley to return home. Gathering my nerve, and telling myself I’m being silly, I squared my shoulders and stomped past the broken light. I was so giddy about surviving the experience, I missed the flicker of the lamp.

The brief flash of light revealed something crouched over a prone form. Blood dripping down its pale face it raised its head and smelled the sweet scent of flesh passing its den. Too bad it already had a meal, this one smelled delicious.

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