You are stuck in a room with a pyschopath who wants to kill you. You have 5 minutes to convince them otherwise.
Write a short speech to convince this desolate individual to spare your life.
The friend
John why are you doing this? You have known me all your life .We sat next to each other at school .We built Lego together and shared our tuck sweets ,we bunked off to share our first cigarette behind the bike sheds. We went to our first gig together and spent hours in the record shop every Saturday flicking through vinyl we couldn’t afford .I know I’ve not seen you in over 30 years but what could have possibly happened to make you hate like this .Who hurt you, who did this to you John? I just want to help you All I remember about you was how beautiful and gentle you were and what a huge heart you had I know all that is still in there. Let me help you heal.