Write a poem in a different genre to your usual comfort zone.

This poem can be in any style and with any theme, but try to write in a genre that you wouldn't normally try.

Mr. Hyde (Villanelle)

Indeed that knife is awful sharp

I stabbed his eye in my daydreaming

No darker deed a work of art

I Should’ve stabbed his pulsing heart

To say he had one is misleading

Indeed that knife is awful sharp

I should stop before I start

That would be one dreary evening

No darker deed a work of art

There I held my hands apart

Tried to clear what I was seeing

Indeed that knife is awful sharp

I search my mind for something stark

The one supposed deeper meaning

No darker deed a work of art

The given taste is awful tart

I wondered why it left me seething

Indeed that knife is awful sharp

No darker deed a work of art

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