"I was just trying to be what you wanted."
Use this piece of dialogue to open a story surrounding a character who is struggling to meet someone's expectations.
{WDYWFM? - The Neighbourhood <3
TW: Use of derogatory language}
"I was just trying to be what you wanted."
"K, what are you doing?" The tall brunette answered his boyfriend who was standing there in a outfit he had never even seen before.
"I- This is what you want." The latter stumbled for a response to the other. "Y’know, like you said." His voice dropped a bit as he looked down.
The taller man laughed and walked to the shorter one and cupped his face in his hands as he listed his face to look at him,
"Kieran, it’s okay doll. I just like you." He smiled as he placed a soft kiss upon his boyfriend’s lips, and they boths laughed.
Nothing stayed that way, of course. Everything between them fell apart when Kieran’s boyfriend, Eryx, had suddenly become distracted.
Kieran couldn’t keep him around, he always had places to go or things to do… It made Kieran worry. The two had always been together, your normal childhood-sweethearts. Eryx was three years olfer than Kieran, but that never separated them at all, they were always together. Years later, Eryx admitted to having romatincal feelings for his friend; Of course it was reciprocated, but their relationship wasn’t without struggles. When two men begin to date, it develops problems in communities, especially when they’re fairly popular in their area. Kieran was often insecure, however Eryx was always willing to do anything for him, they would do anything for each other.
Or, Kieran thought anyway.
"Hey doll, don’t wait up, I’m going to meet with Ciera." The brunette said as he walked right out of the door of their small one bedroom apartment, leaving Kieran behind open mouthed as he was going to say bye, but before he could, Eryx was gone.
"Love you." He sighed under his breath as he retreated to the shared bedroom of the lovers. He crawled into his side of the bed and laid facing the ceiling.
'What am I doing wrong?' He kept thinking, he looked back on everything him and Eryx had been through but, nothing made sense. They were happy- why the sudden change? With all these thoughts, Kieran fell asleep.
When he woke up the next morning, he wouldn’t find his boyfriend next to him.
"What the hell Eryx…" He sighed as he got himself up. Walking out into the apartment, it was dim, cold, lonely. The blonde just sighed once more.
"Pfft, no. Why would he care?" The brunette laughed, you could almost hear the alcohol in his voice.
"Uh I dunno’ maybe because his boyfriend has been ignoring him lately, is out getting drunk with girls, and doesn’t even show up at night? Hell, I’d care too." His friend, Ciera, spoke. Ciera was his friend, his first girlfriend when they were younger. (—Also Kieran’s #1 defender.)
"Who cares. Let the fag do whatever." Even Eryx was taken aback by the words that escaped his mouth. He sat up and stared dumbfoundedly at Ciera. "… No no- I didn’t-"
Before he could defend himself, Ciera slapped him across the face.
"I suggest you sober up. Eryx." And with that, she left.
There sat the drunken brunette, he had no words, no idea what to do, he would never call Kieran that… Only he did.
Ciera stopped by the apartment of her two friends, and with a knock on the door, Kieran stood with it open.
"Oh- Hey Ciera, whats up?" He was in fact disappointed that it wasn’t Eryx, but it’s always nice to see a friend.
"I have to talk to you… About Eryx." She said in a dulcet tone, and Kieran welcomed her into their house.
Ciera came clean about drinking with Eryx, for months they had been drinking and ending up in each other’s rooms. However she put an end to it about a month ago, and they had just been drinking buddies lately.
"…He called you a.." She couldn’t even say the word, she knew it was something that always hurt Kieran to hear. He just sighed through his silent tears.
"Thank you Ciera." He said in response to everything. He had nothing else to say.
And soon enough, the once shared apartment that had memories and love within it’s walls, was now empty.
"WELL I CAN’T BE A GIRL, I TRIED SO HARD TO BE EVERYTHING YOU WANTED BUT I WAS NEVER GOOD ENOUGH? WAS I?" Through tears Kieran spilled his heart out to his former boyfriend who now stood in front of him.
"I’M SORRY I WAS NEVER ENOUGH. I WAS JUST TRYING TO BE WHAT YOU WANTED!" He shouted, and Eryx’s heart fell. He had treated his heart so poorly, when he should’ve held it closer to him. He was always making jokes- Kieran however was always insecure of himself, and Eryx’s actions just justified every single fear Kieran had.
"Kieran I-"
"No, just go. Please just leave." His voice ached as he sent the latter away.
"I’m sorry- you were always enough. You were never in competition." He muttered before he walked out on his ex boyfriend, sealing their breakup, completely.
{again, rushed but its d r a m a t i c}