by Sans @

Write a halloween horror in less than 10 sentences.
What You See Before You Die
When I opened my eyes, I thought I would only see black. Instead, a thick forest of twisting and winding dead trees painted by a soft haze of morning fog greeted my sight. Suddenly, I became overwhelmed by loneliness, realizing that the only sound I could hear was my own breath. My heart started to race as my anxiety flooded with thoughts of the unknown. But then, I heard a familiar whisper of my name tickle the back of my neck. I slowly turned around, with hope of seeing my beloved once again, but to horror, I was faced with my nightmare. Sitting atop a moss covered stone coffin, which was entangled with cherry red flowers, a corpse staring straight into my soul wearing the delicately flowing off-white wedding dress beckoned me to come sit down. A foul odor flew directly into my face causing me dry heave. As I kept heaving and coughing, my vision faded to the anticipated empty blackness that I knew was my fate; death.